Make Sure Your Doctor is Qualified to Treat Your Venous Issues
Concerns over a growing number of medical practitioners who lack proper training to perform venous procedures will be voiced at this year’s International Vein Congress (IVC) at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach, Florida.
Other topics of discussion will be the over-use and abuse of venous therapies, the need for balance between innovation and conflict of interest in the relationship between physician and industry, determining who is a good candidate for treatment and who isn’t, which veins should be treated and which veins should not be avoided etc.
The International Vein Congress (IVC) is a gathering of world famous experts, it zeroes in on the latest break-through developments, innovative techniques and most pressing issues. The IVC spans everything involving venous topics and covers them in depth with panel discussions, presentations, live demonstrations and pre-recorded sessions.
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Is Venous Ablation Going Wild?
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