We all enjoy shooting hoops with our children or kicking the soccer ball with our grandchildren. Many of us cannot always maintain the proper physical condition required to enjoy these occasional physical activities without paying the price of aches and pains in the days that follow.
Even after taking time to properly warm up, our sports activities may become more strenuous than we anticipated, especially if our fellow participants step up the pace (such as when your teenager tries to dribble past you for the layup).
There are also those of us who enjoy sports simply on a recreational level but still on a regular basis, whether it be in a softball league, the weekly tennis match, or possibly a daily game of racquetball. We don’t always have the time we’d like to set aside to train for these activities, and as we get older we may have difficulty maintaining our skills which require more physical effort.
Graduated Compression Stockings can help to reduce the muscle soreness after exercise for recreationally active people. Trained athletes, even those middle aged and older, have stated that wearing compression stockings during rest and recovery periods helped their performance.
The compression strength of the stockings should be comfortable and most important they should fit properly, though they don’t have to be custom made. Support stockings do not replace proper warm ups and stretching exercises but can be worn with these.
Additionally, when dealing with more difficult and strenuous sports, a visit to your physician is recommended to ensure you will not engage in an activity beyond your physical capabilities, especially if you can look at the “oldest” professional athletes and realize they are still young enough to be one of your children.
So don’t be afraid to get out and enjoy physical activities, just make sure that, whether young or old, you take proper measures to ensure sore or strained muscles don’t spoil your fun.
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