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The information provided on this blog takes time and effort to research and write. In addition it takes sophisticated hardware and software to deliver this original content to our readers.
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All advertising displayed on our site must be relevant to the content pages of our site compressionstockingssite.com and to our readers. Compressionstockingssite.com is not affiliated with any of the companies and products advertised on our site and we do not endorse the products or services shown in these advertisements.
Compressionstockingssite.com participates in affiliate programs. This means whenever a visitor to our site clicks on links to other sites or advertisements for products or services on our site we will be awarded a commission, which is much appreciated to help cover the cost of maintaining this site. If you are interested in products or services you see advertised on our site or may even want to make a purchase we would appreciate it very much if you go to the respective site by clicking on the affiliate link on our site.
www.compressionstockingssite.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com, endless.com, smallparts.com or myhabit.com.
The prices you pay for a product or service going through our affiliate links are identical to what you would have to pay if you went directly to the respective site but by clicking on our affiliate links you can help support our site without paying anything extra. Affiliate links and programs include, but are not limited to Amazon.com, ClickBank, Commission Junction and others.
Website/Blog Content Disclaimer
Any and all information accessible on this website in any form (e.g. in writing, through audio, graphics or video) is intended for general understanding and informational purposes only. Nothing contained in this website can take the place of personal counsel from healthcare professionals. Anything and everything provided on this website is therefore never a substitute for the users’ relationships with their own health care and pharmaceutical providers.
The provided information may be helpful for the conversation between a doctor and the individual seeking consultation from a physician or specialist. No information found on this website is or should be deemed, or utilized as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information on this site is provided to educate visitors about health subjects that may affect their daily lives. All access to the information on this site is considered voluntary and at the sole risk of the user.
The information presented on this website has been researched with utmost care. Nevertheless, medical and health related knowledge changes constantly based on new results from scientific research and developments.
www.compressionstockingssite.com does not provide advice or make recommendations for the suitability, use or purchase of products that may be featured on our website.
If you think you are having a medical emergency please immediately call 911 or your physician.
Product Reviews
We take our reputation and credibility very seriously. Therefore we will always put forth our best efforts and do our due diligence to provide you with the most accurate information on any products we may be reviewing on our site. Even though we do accept free product samples from companies who wish to provide them our reviews will always reflect our honest and unbiased opinions regardless of the fact whether the product reviewed has been purchased by us or was provided for review at no charge.
In addition to always giving our honest and unbiased opinion about products we decide to review, we must feel that these products have some benefit to our readers or we will simply not review them.
After presenting the best information and educated opinions we can provide we will always let you be the final judge if a product is right for you or not.
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